Wed 26 Jun 2019 09:10 - 09:30 at 229AB - Verification I Chair(s): Chung-Kil Hur

Storage systems make persistence guarantees even if the system crashes at any time, which they achieve using recovery procedures that run after a crash. We present Argosy, a framework for machine-checked proofs of storage systems that supports layered recovery implementations with modular proofs. Reasoning about layered recovery procedures is especially challenging because the system can crash in the middle of a more abstract layer’s recovery procedure and must start over with the lowest-level recovery procedure.

This paper introduces recovery refinement, a set of conditions that ensure proper implementation of an interface with a recovery procedure. Argosy includes a proof that recovery refinements compose, using Kleene algebra for concise definitions and metatheory. We implemented Crash Hoare Logic, the program logic used by FSCQ, to prove recovery refinement, and demonstrated the whole system by verifying an example of layered recovery featuring a write-ahead log running on top of a disk replication system. The metatheory of the framework, the soundness of the program logic, and these examples are all verified in the Coq proof assistant.

Wed 26 Jun

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08:30 - 09:30
Verification IPLDI Research Papers at 229AB
Chair(s): Chung-Kil Hur Seoul National University
Semantic Program Alignment for Equivalence Checking
PLDI Research Papers
Berkeley Churchill Stanford University, Oded Padon Stanford University, Rahul Sharma Microsoft Research, Alex Aiken Stanford University
Media Attached
Verified Compilation on a Verified Processor
PLDI Research Papers
Andreas Lööw Chalmers University of Technology, Ramana Kumar DeepMind, Yong Kiam Tan Carnegie Mellon University, USA, Magnus O. Myreen Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Michael Norrish Data61 at CSIRO, Australia / Australian National University, Australia, Oskar Abrahamsson Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Anthony Fox University of Cambridge, UK
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Argosy: Verifying Layered Storage Systems with Recovery Refinement
PLDI Research Papers
Tej Chajed Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Joseph Tassarotti Boston College, M. Frans Kaashoek Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Nickolai Zeldovich Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
DOI Pre-print Media Attached